Acne positivity is self love, embrace it!

I think the title speaks for itself when it comes to what this new post is all going to be about.

Random fall doodle by moi
If you are one of me, that has always lived with acne and blemishes ever since you can remember, welcome to the boat. A whole adolescence and adulthood gone in dealing with skin issues, acne of all kinds, spots and what not. Does it bring a ton of insecurities with it? Yes it does, of course, we are all human. Let's be honest, who does not want a clear skin that you do not need to work hard for? We all do. But should it matter that you have acne and scars all over your pretty body? It shouldn't technically and that's what we are discussing here today.

It is such a common problem and there are millions around the world fighting with it every single day of their lives, standing in front of mirrors, wishing that wasn't them. All I want to tell them is, that is you in front of that mirror staring back at you and you are okay and beautiful the way you are. Sometimes I do not even know what we are aiming for, a whole life spent wanting for the perfect image of what the world thinks it should be.

We many times tend to forget that we are all dealing with something or the other, and in this race for perfection and success, we forget to stop and take a breath. Rolling again back to mental health, as discussed in earlier post as well, be kind, especially to yourself first and then to others. It is your body and skin and you should be able to love it no matter what! Having said that of course, I do not mean you shouldn't treat it or work towards being healthy and happy. Be healthy but in a whole sense, not just superficially. If your skin acts up at times, its okay, there is nothing wrong with it or you.

People would often tell me, you have healthy eating habits, sleeping habits and what not, but why do you still get acne? The answer is I do not know myself, could be food, could be hormonal, could be life stress, could be something else or just what I was born with like anything else. I got many tests done over the years, many dermatologists in different countries, many medications/treatments and still do not know why it happens or when it would stop. But instead of breaking my head over it for once, I decided to accept it for what it is (or trying to) while working on fixing it. I think it is very important to first accept ourselves and make peace with it, before we get the whole world to look at us the way we want. Let's change the way we think and stop thinking clear skin is what makes us happy, imperfection can be fun too!

So, one day at a time! And remember you are beautiful just the way you are - cliche, but true, just keep repeating to yourself every freaking day!

Do you have an acne story or skin trouble stories which you would like to share? Please leave it in the comments below.  Would love to hear your stories.
